Enrollment Resources

Enrollment Contact Information by Program
Head Start & Early Head Start
Ana Cummins | 203-989-0228
anacummins@clcstamford.org (English & Español)
Inquiry Form (English & Spanish)
Child Development & School Readiness
jessierivera@clcstamford.org (203) 967-6960
Inquiry Form (English & Spanish)
Documents required for registration
- Current proof of Income:
- Paid weekly, last four consecutive pay stubs or paid biweekly or twice a month, last two consecutive pay stubs
- A letter from your employer on company letterhead stating your weekly hours, rate of pay and schedule of pay
- A copy of your most recent tax return
- Proof of child support (copy of State or Connecticut check) for adults not living the household
- Documentation of school or training program, including hours, if applicable
- Documentation of state assistance, if applicable
- Birth Certificates for all children and underage parents living in the household
- Two proofs of address: lease or mortgage statement plus electric or gas bill
- $35 non-refundable enrollment fee. Exact cash (NOT APPLICABLE FOR HEAD START PROGRAM)
- A completed physical form with immunizations for your child that is current within (1) year
- A completed dental form
- Child’s medical insurance card
- At least two emergency contact names and daytime phone numbers
- Proof of Stamford residency (SCHOOL READINESS PROGRAM ONLY)
- The Social Service Office has the right to request additional information or documentation as needed in order to complete registration.
A list of required documents for the Head Start and Early Head Start enrollment application is available here.
Monthly fees
- A monthly fee is established at intake interview (sliding scale fee)
- Fees are paid one month in advance, due the last Friday of each month before 9:30 a.m.
- Fees must be paid whether child is present or absent
- Fees are not charged during the December holiday period when the agency is closed
Application Forms
- Agency Policy and Permission
- Authorization to Administer Medication
- Child Development and School Readiness Registration Packet
- Child Dental Exam Form
- Child Physical Exam Form
- Directions for completing Child Development and School Readiness Intake English
- Directions for completing Child Development and School Readiness Intake Spanish
- Emergency Form
- CACFP Parent Letter English
- CACFP Parent Letter Spanish
- CACFP free-reduced lunch form Spanish
- CACFP free-reduced lunch form English
- Meal Modification Form for Allergies/Food Restrictions
- CLC Parent Publicity Release – Spanish
- CLC Parent Publicity Release – English
The Social Service Office has the right to request additional information or documentation as needed in order to complete registration.