
As a proactive community partner, CLC identifies and develops strategic community relationships to strengthen families and just educational outcomes. Thank you to our community partners!
Stamford Youth Mental Health Alliance
Stamford Public Schools
We have had Instructional Coordinators from Stamford Public Schools (SPS) in place for more than 20 years and continue to build connections around Blended Pre-K as well as through the Vita Collaborative and supporting children with special needs.
Through our sharing agreement, we track longitudinal results.
35% to 40% of children entering SPS come from CLC.
95% of our children attend SPS.
Vita Health Parents as Co-Educators
The Parents as Co-Educators project strives to improve the lives of children from non-English speaking and low-income families by providing wrap-around support for families. By strengthening families, parents can become more engaged and ready to offer their kids the academic support they need. Principal partners of the program are Family Centers, Building One Community and CLC.
Anchored by Charter Oak Communities and Stamford Hospital, the Vita is a collaboration of businesses, community partners and nonprofits to improve quality of life on Stamford’s West Side.
Inspirica Early Childhood and Parenting Program
We’re fighting to end the cycle of homelessness through the Early Childhood and Parenting Program.
It’s an innovative approach that provides 15 homeless families living at the Inspirica shelter daily training to nurture language, pre-literacy, social and emotional skills in children – along with foundational skills like cooking.
CLC also gives children from Inspirica priority as needed, in our Head Start and Early Head Start programs.
Early Head Start at 72 Franklin Street is deeply embedded in an area with low income housing to encourage those families to enroll their children.
Stamford Cradle to Career
Child Guidance Center
Mothers for Others
Greenwich-based Mothers for Others (MFO) donates diapers to CLC’s Early Head Start location at 72 Franklin Street in Stamford.
Filling in the Blanks
Filling in the Blanks provides our children who are in need, with meals on the weekends.