Parade of Giving!

Thank you to the Irish-American Cultural Society of Stamford for your generous donation of diapers and wipes, as well as for making CLC part of your Parade of Giving on Wednesday, March 17 along with so many other wonderful organizations!

Making Snow!

The children were so excited to make snow inside! All you have to do is combine 3 cups of baking soda with 1/2 a cup of white hair conditioner… and you have SNOW! Once we made the snow, the children explored their own pile! Some used the snow to create igloos and some...

Building Igloos!

Let’s build an igloo! Whether it’s for reading or playing… our children built igloos based on the book, “The Three Snow Bears” by Jan Brett.

Thank You to KPMG!

Thank you to KPMG for donating a gift certificate that allowed us to purchase books with messages supporting diversity and inclusion from First Book! The children are really enjoying story time!

Play to Learn: Lacing Mittens

It’s a great day to make lacing mittens out of paper! This fun and simple activity is included in our Play to Learn Book! Check the photo below for materials and instructions.

Learning How to Mail a Letter from the Post Office

While learning about how the post office and mail carriers help our community, students worked on writing letters home! They addressed them and sent them out. Now they are waiting to receive them at home. This gives students hands on experience with how a piece of...

Learning About Transportation!

Our students are learning about transportation! They built a train, a railroad crossing and a train station to go along with stories on different types of transportation.