Amy Beldotti is the Chief Academic Officer at Stamford Public Schools (SPS), where she is responsible for developing and overseeing the K-12 curriculum for the district and has a focus on early childhood education, overseeing multiple departments including Enrichment and Supplemental Programs (responsible for the Apples program) and English Learners Programming. With 25 years of experience in the education sector, Beldotti has served as Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, school principal, assistant principal, individual learning need coach, and speech and language pathologist for SPS.

Beldotti holds a Bachelor of Arts in Speech/English from Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio, a Master of Science in Communication Disorders from Southern Connecticut State University and Educational Administration and Supervision Certification from the University of Bridgeport.  Beldotti is Co-Chair of the Early Grade Reading Community Action Network within Stamford’s Cradle to Career Network and serves on the Science Advisory Council of the Stamford Museum and Nature Center.