Field day is a chance for children to get outside, run around and have FUN! With so many types of activities to choose from, one of the best things about field day is that activities can be tailored to fit different ages, interests and ability levels. Many activities also require few materials and little set up, so they can be done anywhere… including in your own backyard or at a nearby park!

So, if you’re interested in planning a field day for your children and maybe a few neighbors or friends this summer, we have put together a list of 16 fun field day activities. These are the activities that the CLC team planned for field day at our Palmers Hill location. They are a good fit for children toddler through preschool.

Spray Painting Sheet

Using a spray bottle, add a little tempera paint. Fill the bottle with water. Hang or tie an old bed sheet to a fence and let the kids spray away using any variety of colors they’d like. As the colors combine, children will learn how to create a new color. 

Plunge Painting

Using small sink plungers that you can purchase at a hardware store, dip them in paint and let your children plunge onto large paper to make designs. 

Parachute Play with Small Balls

The children will love moving the parachute up and down, watching the balls bounce.

Sport Hoppers

Ribbon Threading

Tie ribbon to a fence, weave the ribbon in and out. This is great for strengthening small motor skills necessary for beginning writing skills.

Bean Bag Toss 

Create an Obstacle Course

Use any objects you have to put together the obstacle course. Get something that children can safely jump over, crawl under or through. Also get some hoops that they can jump through, toss a whiffle ball into a pail of water, toss a large dice and count how many dots. Be creative with this activity because anything goes. 

Hula Hoop

Play Basketball

Play T-Ball 

Play Soccer 

Draw with Sidewalk Chalk

Children can even make a hopscotch game with the chalk or play a game of tic tac toe.

Blow Bubbles 

Sack Jumping

This is a long time field day favorite and also great for helping children develop large motor skills

For more information about the benefits of outdoor play for toddlers, check this article from Enrique Pabon, Education Manager for Head Start and Early Head Start at CLC. For more fun activities to do with your children this summer, order CLC’s Play to Learn Book.

Children’s Learning Centers of Fairfield County (CLC) is committed to providing early childhood education for all families, with direct services and programs focused in health, nutrition & family support for children aged 6 weeks – 5 years of age. Find more information about enrollment, here!